I am pleased to show below the first figure masters of my new Hinton Hunt Compatible Napoleonic Range. The range has been named 'Hinton Compatriots' to signify the compatibility with that range.
The first set of six figures comprises: Fusilier, NCO, Drummer, Pioneer, Officer and Ensign of the Austrian (German Regts) in Helmets. The final flag carried by the Ensign will be engraved with the Austrian 1792 Ordinarstandarte.

The figures are designed and sculptured by A.C.Stadden and are the exact same scale as Hinton Hunt. See below comparison of new fusilier to Hinton Hunt Austrians:

My objective with the range is to make available to myself (and anybody else that is interested) a selection of figures of different nationalities that are Hinton compatible and fill the many gaps that now exists since the Hinton Hunt range is now defunct and any available figures are scarce, poor quality and expensive.
The next series will be as above but Hungarian regiments in Helmets - Advancing to compliment the first series. The production plan includes Grenadiers, Jagers, Mounted Officers and Cavalry, Artillery Crew and Guns/Limbers. The Infantry will also be produced in a Charging, Marching and Firing series. I am also considering doing later infantry with shako's subject to demand to complete the Austrians.
Each series will include all the elements of the battalion as the first does.
Other nationalities are also being planned - Including British in Stovepipes and Early French. I am open to suggestions and requests however.
Anybody interested please contact me with requests, commitments, orders etc. I will be able to set pricing when all the bills are in!
I should state that I do not wish this to be a full blown money making business and I am planning just to recover costs with pricing.
I also may only be offering in battalion sets at first since the molds will be set up that way.
I currently expect the figures to be available in about 3 weeks.