This is definitely sticking a cautious toe in the water - Ron, if this is inappropriate then please strangle it.
I'm currently working on adding a 1812-vintage Spanish division to my Allied Peninsular army. There is precious little in the way of suitable figures for this - if you don't want 1808 guys in bicorns or those pantomime grenadiers with the jelly-bags hanging from their hats. I have a number of these little OOP fellas - Minifigs s-range Spanish infantry advancing - catalog #SN-1s - and I could use a bunch more of them. Anybody have any? - painted? - unpainted?
Anybody fancy doing some casting? I approached Minifigs US, and they seemed quite interested in producing some copies, then suddenly the radio went dead, and now they won't reply. If anyone would be interested in a little judicious repro work - just in the interests of reseach, of course...
Seriously - anyone got any SN-1s, please get in touch.